Cypht – Rebooted

[if you need a refresher about my obsession with writing PHP based Open Source IMAP clients there is no shortage of posts on this blog going into excruciatingly boring detail]

It was about the year 2003 that I first decided to author my own Open Source software. It was both a positive decision that helped me reach future goals, and a constant source of disappointment. I dreamed of building a development community around what I was creating, something organic that would self sustain. That never happened. Over the years I built a community of incredible users and contributors, just not of the I-can-code variety. I also built the webmail client I wanted so that was cool. I repeated this cycle about every 8 years:

  1. Build new webmail project
  2. Interact with a supportive community
  3. Do 99% of the coding and project management
  4. Burn out and or start over

In the two decades since starting this ridiculous journey I have been lucky to have project supporters. They were (and are) critical to the development cycle. But the dream of attracting developers to what I was doing never materialized. Until last year. When, ironically, my time spent with the project was winding down. In this case “winding down” means basically doing nothing.

Suddenly we have a group of new devs submitting PR’s and working on stuff. At first I was like “hell yeah!” then a few months later I was like “shit I don’t have time for this”. Hence, after much delay on my part, Cypht (my latest webmail project) is rising from the ashes of my complacency, to be reborn yet again, but this time in a different way.

Our resurgence is thanks to the contributions of Marc Laporte and his development team at Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware (aka TikiWiki or Tiki). Not only have they infused new life into a stagnant project, but they also provide development opportunities to aspiring coders across the world – giving them tangible work experience that is unavailable locally. Pretty easy to get behind that 🙂

So what changes with the project? Most importantly the incredible efforts of the Tiki development team will be unleashed. Things will actually move forward after many months of delay. Releases will be frequent. Aside from that, nothing. We plan to move the project to an organization account on Github for better collaboration. I will still be involved to the extent I can be, but I will no longer be a blocker to continuous improvement.

I’m so thankful to Marc and his team. At a time when I had all but abandoned the project, they rescued Cypht from the very large no-longer-maintained trash heap of neglected Open Source software projects, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings!

JMAP: It’s like IMAP But Not Really

With the new year upon us, I decided it was time to do something ambitious for my Open Source project. This is where I normally quip about never mentioning my project before, even though I literally always do. A new year means new jokes so I’m moving on, and really you should too. Cypht is not just Open Source webmail, it’s like the [COOL THING OR PERSON] of Open Source webmail. And it’s NEW. Well I have been working on it for 5 years but NEW in a relative sense, since time is relative, and really what is time? Anyway, ambitiousness.

There has been a “Support JMAP to replace IMAP/SMTP” request lingering on our Github for almost a year. It’s in the “I’m still interested but effin busy bucket“. Recently the poster of said issue mentioned the JMAP specification will soon be finalized and it might be a good time to give it another look. What exactly is JMAP? Let me verbally circle around it a bit more and I promise I will get there.

I reread the high level bits about JMAP. Then I started digging in, created a new module set, shit-canned that approach because it was stupid, took a different angle, got obsessed, stayed up way too late on weeknights, permanently pinned the docs in browser tabs, filed a couple of Github issues with the Cyrus IMAP project (both of which were mis-configurations on my end), and as of this week – hit the milestone of initial IMAP/JMAP compatibility.

Again, what the hell is JMAP? As we all know there are two widely adopted protocols for getting your E-mail to your eyeballs: POP3 and IMAP. POP3 was designed to work with systems that are not always online because that really used to be a thing. IMAP is awesome unless you write code for it in which case it will ruin you. Regardless IMAP is the common standard these days. It’s complicated and old and hard. Why can’t there be a modern REST like API that can do everything IMAP does but better? Astute readers may have added this up by now, but just to clarify: JMAP is a modern REST like API that can do everything IMAP does but better.

The driving force behind JMAP from what I can tell is Bron Gondwana, the CEO of FastMail. As a subscriber to the IMAP protocol mailing list for the last 15+ years (also an actual thing), I recognize Bron from many informative replies to befuddled posters about the IMAP protocol, or the Open Source Cyrus IMAP server he contributes to.

I would like to take my remaining time and open up the floor to questions, so fire away.

Internet: So what is the JMAP API like?

Me: I’m not going to sugarcoat it, JMAP is complicated. But it is really (really) well designed. JMAP is a REST API so it uses HTTP requests and responses to issue commands and get the results. Almost all requests in JMAP are to the same URL using an HTTP POST to submit a JSON body of “methods”. A method is an action or query you want to perform like “give me the 20 newest messages in this mailbox” or “flag this important message from a Nigerian prince”. Also they have excellent docs. Sometimes you have to jump around to piece together what you are looking for but it’s pretty comprehensive.

Internet: How is JMAP better than IMAP?

Me: My top 5:

  1. JMAP is sane
  2. JMAP is not designed around a persistent network socket, so it’s perfect for webmail clients that connect, do stuff, then disconnect (which is exactly NOT how IMAP is supposed to be used)
  3. JMAP finally brings pagination support into the picture. This alone is a huge performance boost
  4. JMAP allows you to chain methods together with back-references to earlier methods. This allows you to combine queries and actions into a single API request. I have not really used this yet because my initial implementation is mimicking the more inefficient patterns of IMAP, but I think this is the single coolest part of the JMAP API design.
  5. Uids in JMAP are globally unique. I don’t need to select a mailbox then fetch the content for a uid in that folder – I can just fetch the content for a uid as it’s unique across folders.

Internet: Do you think JMAP will really take off?

Me: JMAP is an open, smart, modern, and powerful E-mail protocol, so probably not. Short of the ground breaking (not really) Cypht webmail program, I would say JMAP is the best thing to happen to E-mail in a LONG time. JMAP also supports calendars and todos and contacts and sending outbound E-mail and push notification and state management and deltas and other things I can’t remember. Right now development versions of the Cyrus IMAP server support JMAP, and FastMail is using it in production for some of their users. I hope it takes off because as an E-mail client writer it’s been an absolute pleasure to work with.

So sorry to say, we are out of time! To conclude I want to thank the Cyrus IMAP developers for prompt and helpful replies to my uninformed questions. JMAP may not be the future of E-mail, but it should be. It’s like IMAP but not really. It’s better.

Testing PHP Network Code

I work on this Open Source webmail client. I don’t think I have ever written about it here before. It’s called Cypht. It connects to services, like an IMAP, SMTP, or POP3 server. It uses the PHP function stream_socket_client to create a connection to these services, then it sends commands and reads responses with standard read/write functions like fgets and fwrite.

Recently I decided I hate myself, so I tried to build a way to unit-test this. Turns out it’s possible, and not nearly as hard as I deserve. I did bang my head around the desk area for a few days figuring it out, so not a total loss. Here is how I did it.

Step 1: Abstract low-down-no-good functions

No matter how amazingly awesome your PHP code base is, if your code actually does anything and you want comprehensive unit test coverage, you have no choice but to abstract a few built-in PHP functions that simply don’t play nice (sessions, cookies, header, curl, streams, you get the picture). I use the following pattern for this:

  • Create a class of all static methods that “wrap” the naughty functions
  • Only define that class at run time if it does not already exist
  • Change your code to call the naughty_class::function version
  • Create the same class in your unit test bootstrap, that has friendly versions of these functions (like doing nothing, or returning true or whatever)
  • Include your unit test version before the run time version when running tests.
  • Realize your wildest dreams of success and good fortune.

An example:

class NaughtyFunctions {
     * @param string $server host to connect to
     * @param integer $port port to connect to
     * @param integer $errno error number
     * @param string $errstr error string
     * @param integer $mode connection mode
     * @param object $ctx context
    public static function stream_socket_client($server, $port,
        &$errno, &$errstr, $timeout, $mode, $ctx) {
        return stream_socket_client($server.':'.$port, $errno,
            $errstr, $timeout, $mode, $ctx);

Instead of calling stream_socket_client in code, we call NaughtyFunctions::stream_socket_client with the same (similar) arguments. This pattern (or something like it) is required to make this work, so no skipping step 1. It’s also a great way to deal with PHP functions that disagree with PHPUnit, and as a way to fool tests into taking a different code path they would not normally take, like by overriding function_exists for example. Here is what Cypht uses at runtime:

Step 2: Build a stream wrapper to fake out your code

In PHP you can fake a “stream” AKA a file handle or network connection, by creating and registering a “stream wrapper“. For file operations and stateless protocols like HTTP, this is pretty simple – read until the “file” ends. But for persistent network protocols, this takes a bit of cleverness.

You need the ability to read from the stream until you reach “End Of File” (EOF). But then you need to reset the EOF status the next time you issue a command, so you can read from the stream again. There is no way (I know of) to do this from within the stream wrapper prototype, and we don’t want to alter the network code we are testing.

Thus the cleverness. Using the abstract in step 1, we can save a reference to the stream resource, and rewind it every time we send a new command, effectively resetting the EOF. Seems less clever now that I write this, but it was the most difficult part.

Here is an example of of both the NaughtyFunctions class and a stream wrapper in action:

 * Generic stream wrapper. This will be extended for protocol
 * specific commands and responses.
class Fake_Server {

    /* position within the response string */
    protected $position;

    /* current response string */
    protected $response = '';

    /* list of commands to responses, varies per protocol */
    public $command_responses = array();

    /* open */
    function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened) {
        $this->position = 0;
        return true;

    /* read */
    function stream_read($count) {
        $this->position += strlen($this->response);
        return $this->response;

    /* write */
    function stream_write($data) {
        $data = trim($data);

        /* look for and set the correct response */
        if (array_key_exists($data, $this->command_responses)) {
            $this->response =  $this->command_responses[$data];

        /* request not found, so set an error value */
        else {
            $this->response = $this->error_resp($data);
        /* CLEVERNESS: here we rewind the stream so we
           can read from it again */
        return (strlen($data)+2);

    /* tell */
    function stream_tell() {
        return $this->position;

    /* seek */
    function stream_seek($pos, $whence) {
        $this->position = 0;
        return true;

    /* end of file */
    function stream_eof() {
        return $this->position >= strlen($this->response);

    /* generic error */
    function error_resp($data) {
        return "ERROR\r\n";

 * IMAP specific fake server that extends the generic one
class Fake_IMAP_Server extends Fake_Server {

    /* array of commands and their corresponding responses */
    public $command_responses = array(
        /* other commands and responses go here */

    /* IMAP friendly error */
    function error_resp($data) {
        $bits = explode(' ', $data);
        $pre = $bits[0];
        return $pre." BAD Error in IMAP command\r\n";

 * Naughty functions wrapper to be used in unit tests. Unlike the
 * run time version, this one returns a "connection" to our fake
 * server.
class NaughtyFunctions {

    /* this will hold a reference to our fake network connection */
    public static $resource = false;

    /* we can toggle this to simulate a bad connection */
    public static $no_stream = false;

    /* fake out stream_socket_client and start the wrapper */
    public static function stream_socket_client($server, $port,
        &$errno, &$errstr, $timeout, $mode, $ctx) {

        /* bad connection */
        if (self::$no_stream) {
            return false;
        /* don't call twice from the same test */
        if (!in_array('foo', stream_get_wrappers(), true)) {
            stream_wrapper_register('foo', 'Fake_IMAP_Server');

        /* open, save a reference to, and return the connection
           to our fake server */
        $res = fopen('foo://', 'w+');
        self::$resource = $res;
        return $res;

Step 3: Correlate requests and responses for your protocol

Now all you have to do is map requests to the server with appropriate (or inappropriate) responses to exercise your network code from a unit test. In this case that would be adding to the $command_responses array in Fake_IMAP_Server. This is where we cross over from “cool problem solving” to “incredibly tedious unit test production”. looks like I will be receiving extra punishment after all.

Step 4. See a doctor about your wrist pain from writing all the unit tests

Cypht has about 14,000 lines of code I need to test this way. I’m about 1% through the process. I love that it can be done without standing up an IMAP/POP3/SMTP server, but my fingers hurt just thinking about it.

Cypht Development Update

There have been 350+ commits since Cypht 1.0.0 was released, and in this post I’m going to talk about every single one. Kidding of course, but I do want to share some of the super-cool things that have happened since. As always, I want to thank everyone who has written me an E-mail, filed a bug report, submitted a pull request, joined our IRC channel, looked us up on Google, accidentally stumbled across our website, turned me down for grant money, or even thought about Open Source webmail. You guys and gals are the best!

Just before cutting the release, I merged libsodium support. It was a bigger-ish change than I wanted, but I felt adding the ability to leverage well written crypto was worth it. And of course users without libsodium still use our OpenSSL based encryption. Since that time, the PHP maintainers smartly decided to add libsodium as a core extension instead of a PECL package. They have a different calling convention, but I’m happy to say Cypht already supports both.

Travis CI
Travis CI is a freaking awesome service to run unit tests across different system configurations. And like all services this awesome, it’s free for Open Source projects. I have written about it in the past, and improved how we use it since. Now we have 18 different build combinations, from PHP 5.4 to PHP nightly, with 3 DBs, running 5 up, finishing in under 15 minutes. If that didn’t make any sense to you, it’s OK. Know it’s cool, because it is.

Unit tests
Did somebody mention unit test? Oh yeah, I did! Since early on we have had 100% unit test coverage of the Cypht framework. This is good, because it is the environment Cypht modules run in. But it’s not great, because modules are where the action is. Over the last week I have expanded our unit tests to be able to include modules, and have covered 100% of the only required modules, the “core” set. Since then I have come up with what I think is a novel way to use PHP stream wrappers to fake an external network service (like IMAP) to help expand unit tests to other module sets. I’m looking forward to many hours and sore fingers writing tests for all the module sets. Really I am!

Forward compatible
Thanks to Travis CI, Cypht is working flawlessly with PHP 7, 7.1, and nightly builds (eventually PHP 7.2). Man I love that service!

Integration options
Cypht does things differently than most apps. By design. This can make using it to “add webmail to my dynamic site” a bit tricky. Thanks to some great feedback and testing from supporters, we have really advanced this aspect of the program. With our API login module set, you can integrate SSO (Single-Sign-On) for Cypht with any programming language that can make an HTTP API request and build a dynamic form. We also have some PHP integration options, as well as the ability to code your own session and authentication classes without hacking any Cypht internals.

New profiles
In Cypht 1.0.0, profiles are tied to IMAP accounts, and only 1 per account is supported. Since then they have been rewritten, and now support as many profiles as you want. Profiles allow you to correlate an IMAP/POP3 account with an SMTP account, a signature, reply-to, display name and from address. The code is backwards compatible so existing profiles will be converted into the new format the first time you edit them.

Last but not least, I want to give a shout-out to Scrutinizer CI, a very cool static analyzer with a free for Open Source service. Static analysis is imperfect, but a great addition to our development process. Aside from just code quality inspection, Scrutinizer runs 16 security related checks. Cypht only fails 15! Another joke, it passes all of them.

It’s not all unicorn farting rainbows since the release. I really wanted to knock out the PGP module set by this time. The proof of concept is there, I just need to CRUD it up. While we have not added a lot of new features over the last 4 months, we have squashed a TON of wiggly little bugs. I smell another official version coming, and for the most part, it does smell like unicorn rainbow farts.

Cypht 1.0.0 Released

After more than 3 years of work, over 3,300 commits, 8 release candidates, 126 resolved issues, and 35,000+ lines of code, I’m pleased to announce the first official stable release of the Cypht webmail program is now available! As anyone who has worked in creating releases for software knows, it’s hard to draw a line in the sand. There is nothing worse than creating a release only to find out the next day you forgot something critical or missed an important bug fix. At the same time, creating releases is a crucial part of getting your software into the hands of users.

I created the release branch 2 months ago with the hope that it would only take a week or two to work out the kinks. After eight release candidates, we finally hit the “it’s good enough, let’s do this thing” point. The way I’m structuring releases in git is to create a release branch from the master branch, then porting applicable bug fixes from the master branch to the release branch while putting out pre-release candidates. Point releases will come from the same branch, but primary development continues on the master, until the next major release, which starts the process over again. I first learned this style of releasing from the Squirrelmail project lo these many years ago. In those days we used diff and patch to port fixes from trunk. With “git cherry-pick” this process is a LOT easier.

The downside to this approach is that over time the master branch diverges from the release branch, and it can get harder and harder to port fixes. The solution is to release often, effectively “dead-ending” the prior release branches as new ones are created. This is a good thing since it encourages frequent releasing. Enough has changed in the master branch in the last 2 months, I’m already eyeballing a 1.1 feature release.

I want to thank everyone who contributed code, filled out a bug report, sent me an E-mail inquiry, requested a feature, donated a translation, or told me they love/hate it. The primary force behind Cypht development is what I want a webmail client to do, but feedback is super important to broaden our user base. I greatly appreciate everyone’s feedback and support for the project.

If you are looking for a secure, lightweight self-hosted webmail that provides access to all your E-mail accounts from one place, give Cypht a try and let me know what you think!