Cypht Webmail Screen Shots – Mobile Version

I had a request on the “Cypht Webmail Screen Shots” post to share some mobile/responsive views of the program. Since I always aim to please, and since the percentage of people with even a shred of interest in this project is so very very small, here it is!

Overall, my design skills fall somewhere between terrible and total shit. My design premise for the Cypht UI has been: “Don’t pretend you know what colors go well together. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you can make something slick. JUST KEEP IT SIMPLE DUMMY“.

I’m pleasantly surprised with the result. It’s pretty standard webmail fare, super simple, and reasonably consistent across browsers.


The main menu. Available by swiping right on any page, or with the awkward looking triangle in the upper left corner of a page.


I pretty much never write E-mail on my phone. But I could!


Yay, only 1 unread message! Also, if you have not checked out Humble Bundle, you should.


The site settings page


General site settings. Kind of squeezed in there, but not too bad!


Search all the things again!


Read a search result. The message view page is tricky on mobile. This one looks pretty good, but others not so much. It’s a work in progress.


Just a teeny tiny calendar. Nothing to see here.


RSS news feed for my favorite Linux news site.


Server management page


“Quick add” dialog on the server page. So cool.


Keyboard shortcut management.


IMAP folder management.


Save settings page.

There are some noticeable omissions to this list, specifically the contacts management interface and the profiles page. I left profiles out because it looks like dog poop, and I left contacts out because I realized the screenshot was of my actual contacts and that would be dumb to post. It looked pretty good though! All in all, Cypht is pretty responsive. Writing this post helped me identify some areas we need to work on, so thanks to the person who requested it!